5 Herbs to Stay Cool This Summer

The days we've longed for are here -- more hours in the day and more time to sip tea (because that's what we all want...right?). June is National Iced Tea Month and we are highlighting signature teas that keep you cool, refreshed, and hydrated as the first day of summer is just around the corner (June 21st aka the longest day of the year). Share with us your Iced Tea recipes that you like to have, alone or at the summer BBQ's with family and friends. Ours is the minty mix lemonade with a splash of ginger ale .
We are now offering Simplici-Teas for you to make any tea blend your cup of tea. Or you can enjoy any of the Simplici-Teas as a simple cup of tea. Aleathia's (the aunt) favorite Simplici-Tea is Silver Needle (because of it's high quality, the fact that it is packed with antioxidants, and the calmness it brings), and Mariyah's (the niece) favorite Simplici-Tea is peppermint and nettle (because of the benefits like allergy relief, mental clarity and antioxidants).
- Nothing says summer like an iced or chilled glass of refreshingly tart hibiscus. The various hues of red that hibiscus gives will give you summer vibes, but, most importantly, it will give you the good minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties that help with cardiovascular (
️heart) health.
- Try Sipping this tea as a Simplici-Tea or enjoy it in any one of our tea blends: Jazzy White, Fruity Chai, and Tropical Bliss (NEW TEA ALERT).
- If you are stopping by the tea shop, you can add this Simplici-Tea to any of your tea blends to make it your cup of tea or order the Simplici-Tea by the ounce!
- Most times, people hear Raspberry leaf and think it will have the burst of fruity flavor like raspberries, but note that is not the case. Raspberry leaf has a similar taste as black tea without the caffeine. It is an astringent (due to the tannin content), drying, and cooling. It is deal for humid conditions (like in Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, and more). The high level of B vitamins found in Raspberry leaf, in particular, makes it useful for relieving nausea, soothing leg cramps, and improving sleep. Raspberry leaf is also great for balancing the feminine system and urinary tract.
- Try sipping on this tea as a Simplici-Tea or in any one of our tea blends that have Raspberry leaf blended in the tea: You had me at rose, Ginger Ginseng, Fruity Chai, Balance for Women, and Mama Ché.
- If you are stopping by the tea shop you, can add this Simplici-Tea to any of your tea blends to make it your cup of tea or order the Simplici-Tea by the ounce!
- Stop and Sip the roses! Rosebuds are astringent (due to their tannin content) with light floral notes. Sipping on a hot or iced glass of rose is perfect for humid places but most importantly they are helpful to sip on when you are hot and bothered, irritated, and or in an emotional state. Rose is a calming and relaxing flower.
- Try sipping on this tea as a Simplici-tea or in any one of our tea blends that have Rosebuds blended in the tea: Summer Rose and You had me at rose
- If you are stopping by the tea shop you can add this Simplici-Tea to any of your tea blends to make it your cup of tea or order the Simplici-Tea by the ounce!
- This very green and full of vitamin herb works to relieve inflammation and water retention. The antihistamine properties aid in seasonal allergies that some experience as each season comes in full bloom. Reduces body odor and bad breath because of the detoxifying properties in chlorophyll. So, if you are planning to go deodorant-less and or will be working out or spending time in the great hot outdoors be sure to enjoy a tall glass of chlorophyll-ed iced nettle tea.
- Try sipping on this tea as a Simplici-Tea or in any one of our tea blends that have Nettle blended in the tea: Allergy Ally or Mama Ché
- If you are stopping by the tea shop you can add this Simplici-Tea to any of your tea blends to make it your cup of tea or order the Simplici-tea by the ounce!
- Ignite your senses and allow the menthol in spearmint and peppermint to bind with the cold-sensitive receptors in your mouth to trigger a cooling sensation throughout your body. Mint is great to have after meals as it aids in digesting foods and nausea. A favorite herb of children who love tea.
- Try sipping on this tea as a Simplici-Tea or in any one of our tea blends that have Mint blended in the tea: Summer Rose, Minty Mix, Energy Adjustment, and Citrus Green
- If you are stopping by the tea shop, you can add this Simplici-Tea to any of your tea blends to make it your cup of tea or order the Simplici-Tea by the ounce!
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